I often get calls or messages from concerned parents asking if I could help their teenager with some issues they are dealing with. Typically they are experiencing high levels of stress at school, at home, or in relationships with their peers or family. These issues can lead to anxiety, feelings of being overwhelmed, unable to meet academic or other perceived expectations, not feeling like they are “good enough”, trouble dealing with anger or sadness, and more.
The number one question that I ask parents when I get those calls is pretty simple. Does your son or daughter want to try a psychotherapy session? Sometimes they do, and that’s great as it makes therapy a lot smoother for the therapist and the client. Other times, they have little or no interest but the parents may be pushing them in that direction anyways. In my experience, “forced” therapy is rarely as successful in the long run, and while I am happy to work with anyone, I think it definitely behooves parents to let their kids make their own choices around therapy when possible.
One option that I offer to parents is to suggest their teenager phone me for a free 20 minute consultation, or speak to me online through a video call. This allows them to get a feel for what working with me may be like without having to commit to anything else ahead of time.